China’s pornography laws are a backdoor for censorship

UPDATE: Finding Chinese Law on the Internet - GlobaLex Although a tremendous amount of legal materials on Chinese law can be found on the Internet nowadays, an adequate information structure - a systematized information unit consisting of laws and regulations, case reports, law treatises, law reviews, and finding tools (such as an index and digest) - is still in the early stages of construction. A Primer on China’s New Cybersecurity Law: Privacy, Cross May 09, 2017 China’s pornography laws are a backdoor for censorship Chinese authorities should stop using pornography laws to further curtail freedom of expression. Graeme Reid is the LGBT rights director at Human Rights Watch. Tags Human sexuality Homosexuality

Dec 28, 2012 · China’s tightened internet controls were passed into law earlier today.As well as requiring broadband and mobile internet providers to have full ‘real name’ details of their customers (which

Internet Law in China | ScienceDirect A comprehensive, structured, and up-to-date introduction to the law governing the dissemination of information in a computer-mediated world in China, Internet Law in China stresses the practical applications of the law that are encountered by all individuals and organizations in Chinese cyberspace, but always in the light of theoretical underpinnings. Guide to Law Online: China | Law Library of Congress Aug 02, 2018

How Is Internet Censorship Affecting Chinese Culture?

China's new cyber security law, which will go into effect Thursday, is not aimed at limiting foreign companies' access to the Chinese market, the country's Internet regulator said Wednesday. China strictly manages the Internet within its borders and has banned the spread of illegal information via technical or other means. Most recently, Beijing passed new national security laws in Hong Kong, which could potentially see the extension of the Chinese surveillance state into one of the freest Internet landscapes in the Oct 14, 2019 · China’s new MLPS (Multi-level Protection of Information Security) 2.0 cybersecurity laws goes into full effect on December 1st, 2019 and will see all internet service providers (ISPs) and mobile data providers requiring facial scans to sign up for new service. This means every new mobile phone number assigned in China will be associated with a … Continue reading "Starting December 1st